Most homes hold up in the winter when it comes to waterproofing – until the fateful year that they don’t. If you have not had your waterproofing features or systems inspected for longevity or effectiveness, perhaps now is the time.
Waterproofing can prevent damage to both the exterior and interior of your property. An interior membrane is designed to protect only beyond the walls or foundation. However, this solution ignores the needs of integral structures, doesn’t work most of the time and may not meet required building codes.
Interior Waterproofing Solution
The answer to this conundrum is installing an effective and guaranteed exterior waterproofing system. The idea is simple: preventing water from entering your property makes more sense than waiting until the proverbial horse has bolted.
An effective waterproofing system should steer any running or standing water away from walls and foundations. The problem that most home or business owners face is that water will take the most accessible path, and that path can ultimately wreak havoc on supporting structures.
In order to combat this, Parks’ Waterproofing has created a patented system that draws water away from dwellings and other structures. As a tried and tested solution, our waterproofing system is endorsed by engineers and other relevant industry experts. We also provide a lifetime guarantee on the work carried out on your property.
Turn to Parks’ Waterproofing
At Parks’ Waterproofing, we are constantly exploring new techniques and innovations to protect homes and businesses from moisture intrusion and flooding. You have invested in your property and now we want to help you safeguard that financial commitment.
Call Parks’ Waterproofing today if you are concerned about the possibility of water intrusion or flooding this winter. It only takes an inspection of your property to determine the best solutions for keeping structural elements safe and dry.
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5287 Speedway Rd
North Wilkesboro, NC 28659
Phone: (336) 927-3504
Monday – Friday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM