If you own residential or commercial property, protecting your investment should be a priority. Interior maintenance needs are usually obvious and predictable but exterior problems can go unnoticed. One of the most problematic issues you may miss is water damaging basement walls or foundational structures.
Allowing water to drain away unchecked is not recommended. If you do not know the path that rainwater is taking, it could end up pooling against your property. Waterproofing is necessary to protect the structural integrity of homes and business premises. The problem in many cases is that the installed system, if any, does not prevent water infiltration.
Moisture Intrusion Threats
Rainwater, irrigation systems and burst underground pipes are the most common root cause of water intrusion in basements. If your property does not have a basement, the foundation is still at risk. By the time you have identified the issue, a large amount of damage may have already occurred.
Interior waterproofing systems are the protection equivalent of shutting the barn door after the horse has bolted. They may prevent some water from intruding further into the property, but walls and foundations have already been breached.
Parks’ Waterproofing System
With the Parks’ Waterproofing System, you get a lifetime guarantee. Our solutions work because we prevent water from getting near your property. Our exterior waterproofing fully protects homes and businesses from moisture intrusion. That means the basement walls and foundations are able to maintain structural integrity indefinitely.
We have designed a patented multi-tier waterproofing system that significantly improves drainage. Rain and waste water should never flow along a path toward your property. No matter the condition or orientation of the terrain, Parks’ Waterproofing can install protection that is effective and long lasting. Cost-saving is at the heart of all that we do and our solutions are endorsed by builders and structural engineers.
If you would like to learn more about the Parks’ Waterproofing System, call us about coming to your property for an inspection. We work quickly and cleanly to ensure that your protection is in place in time to prevent any potential weather threats. Reach out today for an appointment.
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5287 Speedway Rd
North Wilkesboro, NC 28659
Phone: (336) 927-3504
Monday – Friday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM